
Under the NPDES stormwater program, operators of large, medium and regulated small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) require authorization to discharge pollutants. Medium and large MS4 operators are required to submit comprehensive permit applications and are issued individual permits. Regulated small MS4 operators have the option of choosing to be covered by an individual permit, a general permit, or a modification of an existing Phase I MS4's individual permit.

Local governments involved in construction projects will also need to comply with stormwater construction rules.

Although stormwater regulations are federal rules, they are implemented by state environmental agencies (except for Massachusetts, New Mexico, Alaska, Idaho and New Hampshire where EPA retains authority).

LGEAN resources most applicable to stormwater include:

  • Stormwater. Provides a summary of issues including MS4 and construction rules. Also provides links to numerous useful websites and documents.

  • Watersheds. Provides a summary of issues relating to watershed protection/restoration, which is accomplished through efforts at various levels including EPA, state agencies, local agencies and private organizations.

Additional resources (exit LGEAN):